Reconciling United Methodists of Texas Conference Statement of Support for Bishop Karen Oliveto
Reconciling United Methodists of Texas Conference unreservedly supports Bishop Karen Oliveto of the Mountain Sky Area. We pray her episcopacy will be long and fruitful—resulting in many disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We give thanks for vocal disciples in the Western Jurisdiction nominating, electing, consecrating, and assigning Bishop Oliveto.
We disagree with the South Central Jurisdiction’s Petition for Declaratory Decision from the Judicial Council concerning the Western Jurisdiction’s action. We wish our Jurisdiction had waited for the Commission on a Way Forward to complete its work and present the Commission’s results at General Conference. Likewise, we disagree with the Judicial Council’s Decision 1341 on that Petition, and we support dissents to that Decision.
We challenge The United Methodist Church to acknowledge that same sex and transgender relationships under the covenant of marital fidelity are holy unions worthy of full inclusion in the church.
We hold a high view of Scripture and affirm the biblical witness of Galatians 3:26-29 —“You are all God’s children through faith in Christ Jesus. All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Now if you belong to Christ, then indeed you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to the promise.”
We call upon groups believing to have the one and only correct interpretation of scripture and church doctrine to prayer and humble conversation, for the sake of the gospel and the mission of the Church.
We pray and work for The United Methodist Church to include and accept the LGBTQ community at large, without reservation, as we seek united life together in Jesus Christ. We, the Board Members of Reconciling United Methodists of Texas Conference, stand as an inclusive, reconciling body to all whom God sends to us.
May the people called Methodists welcome and affirm all God’s children with the grace, peace, and love of Jesus Christ.
Signed: Reconciling United Methodists of Texas Conference Board Members
Rev. Jim Bankston (retired), St. Paul’s UMC – Houston, TX
Rev. Nathan Lonsdale Bledsoe, Texas Annual Conference
Rev. Glynden Bode, Rosehill UMC – Tomball, TX
Nelda Brooks, St. Peter’s UMC – Katy, TX
Brett Falkenhagen, St. Paul’s UMC – Houston, TX
Erin Kupcunas Faseler, FUMC – Conroe, TX
Bodie Gilbert, FUMC – Fulshear, TX
Judy Graves, St. Mark’s UMC Pecore – Houston, TX
Norma Graves, Memorial Drive UMC – Houston, TX
Trish King, Strawbridge UMC – Kingwood, TX
Rev. Diane McGehee, Bering Memorial UMC
Kent Ping, Atascocita UMC – Atastcocita, TX
Burke Randolph, Christ Church – Sugar Land, TX
Rev. Greg Rogers (retired), Bering Memorial UMC – Houston, TX
Randy Scott, Bering Memorial UMC – Houston, TX
Lahonda Sharp, Christ Church – Sugar Land, TX
Roxanne Taylor, Texas Annual Conference
Rev. Hannah Terry, Westbury UMC – Houston, TX
Tom Thompson, Texas Annual Conference
Rev. Rahel Yoo, FUMC – Pearland, TX
Deaconess Laura Young, St. John’s UMC – Lubbock, TX
Originally published by Reconciling Ministries Network; Photo by Patrick Scriven, PNW Conference
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