LGBTQ Christian Movement Leaders Stand In Solidarity With North Carolina Muslim Community
As Christians blessed to do the work of advocating for the inclusion and needs of LGBTQ people, we wish to express our deep grief over the killings this week in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We offer the North Carolina Muslim community our love and solidarity.
Chapel Hill is a city built on a hill, on the dream of tolerance and welcome, and this unthinkable violence attacks the heart of the ideal of safe, loving community.
Today we reaffirm our faith in a world with room for all people, where all people have an absolute right to the religion of their choosing, and all people have the right to express their faith without fear of violence.
Today we remember the words of Yusor Abu-Salha, one of the young people murdered in Chapel Hill this week.
Growing up in America has been such a blessing. And although in some ways I do stand out, such as the hijab I wear on my head, the head covering, there are still so many ways that I feel so embedded in the fabric that is, you know, our culture.
And that’s the beautiful thing here, is that it doesn’t matter where you come from. There’s so many different people from so many different places, of different backgrounds and religions—but here we’re all one, one culture. And it’s beautiful to see people of different areas interacting, and being family. Being, you know, one community.
Together we must honor Yusor’s dream of a community that is family, that has room for everyone.
Alison Amyx, Believe Out Loud
M Barclay, Reconciling Ministries Network
T.J. and Carolyn Blasing, Knoxville, TN
Bridget Cabrera, Reconciling Ministries Network
Kathie Carpenter, National Consultant and Registrar, The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ
Timothy DuWhite, Believe Out Loud
The Rev. Gwen Fry, TransEpiscopal
Andy Horner, Board Member, Welcoming Community Network
Ted Jackson, Reconciling Ministries Network
Rev. Robin R. Lunn, Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
Rev. Rodney McKenzie, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
Alex Patchin McNeill, More Light Presbyterians
Rod Mundy, The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ
Andy Oliver, Reconciling Ministries Network
Marilyn Paarlberg, Room For All
Rev. Lois McCullen Parr, Reconciling Ministries Network
Rev. Cameron Partridge, TransEpiscopal
Debra Peevey
Rev. Allyson Dylan Robinson, Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
James Rowe, Believe Out Loud
Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer, Executive for Health and Wholeness Advocacy, United Church of Christ
Vivian Taylor, Intergrity USA
Cameron Van Kooten
Carol Wise, Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests
David E. Woosley
Matthew Vines, Reformation Project
Photo via flickr user Jerome Carpenter; Contact Believe Out Loud to add your name to this list
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Comments (2)
The Rev. Gwen Fry
Douglas J Register
Right to express their faith without fear of violence.
Log Cabin Republicans of North Carolina (a Durham based group) sign in agreement. –Although we believe this is not a hate crime, we commiserate with those affected by this heinous act.
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