Join Believe Out Loud in North Carolina on February 25
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A gathering of LGBTQ people of faith and allies will explore opportunities to build skills and resources grounded in racial and gender justice to empower affirming religious communities to combat discrimination in North Carolina. Affirming congregations have the opportunity to be examples of a more equal and inclusive community. Come together and engage with folks of every walk of life knowing that we are strongest when we learn, grow, heal, and build movements together proclaiming that our faith affirms the lives of all LGBTQ people.
Una reunión de personas LGBTQ de fe y aliados explorarán oportunidades para desarrollar habilidades y recursos basados en la justicia racial y de género para fortalecer congregaciones para combatir la discriminación en Carolina del Norte. Congregaciones que afirman personas de la comunidad LGBTQ tienen la oportunidad de ser ejemplos de una comunidad más igualitaria e inclusiva. Vengan y reúnanse con la gente de diferentes caminatas de la vida sabiendo que somos más fuertes cuando aprendemos, crecemos, sanamos y construimos movimientos juntxs proclamando que nuestra fe afirma la vida de todas las personas LGBTQ.
The National LGBTQ Task Force, Equality North Carolina, Many Voices, The Freedom Center for Social Justice, Believe Out Loud and More Light Presbyterians are working together as a coalition in North Carolina to promote the organizing opportunities that exist in faith, justice, and political communities across our state for LGBTQ people and our allies.
Las organizaciones National LGBTQ Task Force, Equality North Carolina, Many Voices, The Freedom Center for Social Justice, Believe Out Loud y More Light Presbyterians están trabajando juntos como coalición en Carolina del Norte para promover las oportunidades organizativas que existen en comunidades de fe, justicia y política alrededor de nuestro estado para las personas LGBTQ y nuestros aliados.
Date | Fecha: Saturday, February 25, 2017 | Sábado, 25 de febrero del 2017
Time | Horario: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Address | Dirección:
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant
501 S. Mendenhall Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
United States
If you’d like to attend this event you can purchase tickets online.
Si usted quiere asistir a este evento puede comprar boletos en línea.
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Comments (1)
Rev. Kat Katsanis-Semel
How awesome!
Hi, dear friends: I’m SO glad that this is happening. Awesome. What a wonderful movement of the Spirit…I’m rooting for y’all and praying for y’all, as you step out in faith. Best Wishes, Rev. Kat in California
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