Happy Pride
After creation was made, God saw that it was good. And considering that queerness has been observed in creation since the beginning, we know that we too, are good in God’s eyes. No mistakes were made. Yes, we are fabulous beings and things are as God intended. This Pride, let us rejoice, for we are the workmanship of God’s hands. The way we were born to love both honors and pleases God.
It has not been an easy road and many of us still struggle to find acceptance and freedom from constant assaults on our God given right to exist. But look at where we are! Our enemies who fight against us have only strengthened our resolve. And it is because of the valleys that the mountain top air tastes so sweet. We celebrate Pride with the pride of victory. At the same time, our collective labors remind us that there is still a lot of work to do, for until we are all free to be who we are without harm, none of us can relax into complacency.
Nevertheless, Pride is our opportunity to celebrate who we are and how far we’ve come. Though Pride only comes along once a year, we should continue the tradition of celebrating and carry the spirit of the month into the upcoming days. For our joy is well deserved and is a sign of our strength because, though it’s not easy being us, we are still smiling with pride.
Blessed Creator,
Thank you for making us in Your image. Let the world know that queerness is divine. Bless You, for You delivered us from shame and brought us to Pride. May we be grateful and glad to be who we are, for we are fiercely and fabulously made. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan is the award-winning and bestselling author of Messages of Hope and The Ant’s Palace. Order your copies today! For writing requests or speaking engagements email: And you can follow him at
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